
Why doesn't my computer see my removable hard drive?

Why doesn't my computer see my removable hard drive? Every day, external hard drives are becoming more and more popular... Read completely

Connecting a second hard drive to the computer

Connecting a second hard drive to the computer The quality of content is growing inexorably, which means the size is also increasing... Read completely

How to disassemble and clean dust from a computer and laptop cooler How to remove cooling from an intel processor

How to disassemble and clean dust from a computer and laptop cooler How to remove cooling from an intel processor Suddenly the computer stopped turning on, an autopsy revealed the presence... Read completely

What is the difference between Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors?

What is the difference between Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors? Almost 3 times faster speed: 802.11ax 2x2 160 MHz allows... Read completely

Replacing the HDD in a laptop with an SSD - instructions

Replacing the HDD in a laptop with an SSD - instructions Hi all. Today I want to tell you how to install it yourself... Read completely

How to replace a laptop's disk drive with an additional HDD?

How to replace a laptop's disk drive with an additional HDD? Install it because it is many times faster than an HDD, but I didn’t have one... Read completely

Shared folders, network computers, flash drives, drives are not displayed on the “Network” tab of Windows Explorer Windows 10 is not visible on the network

Shared folders, network computers, flash drives, drives are not displayed on the “Network” tab of Windows Explorer Windows 10 is not visible on the network Hello! I noticed that information began to appear about another... Read completely

Reinstalling windows xp via bios

Reinstalling windows xp via bios Most often on the Internet you can find instructions on how to... Read completely